Tuesday, March 10, 2015

GC Tour 2015 Kickoff!

It’s been a crazy few days, but GC Tour 2015 has officially begun! Connor Brown and Nina Camillone will be giving all of our followers a daily update (or as daily as possible, since a stable Internet connection is getting pretty hard to come by) of our tour through North Carolina while we build friendships, minister to people, and worship the Lord.

DAY 1 (Saturday): Let Everything That Has Breath Praise the Lord!

So far we’ve kicked things off to a good start, beginning our trip at Raleigh-Durham International airport after a great flight out of Midway in Chicago. We stepped outside to be greeted by none other than the cool Carolina air, quite the far-cry from the still-wintry weather that’s hanging over the midwest. From the air it was even more obvious what was waiting for us on the east coast. For a good 45 min of our 1hr 15min flight the ground below us was all white—miles and miles of snow, ice, & tundra that stretched across the gridded Midwestern prairies. But here, the forecast for the whole week is looking like a pretty comfortable 70º.

Somewhere over the U.S.A.
Bill, our awesome bus driver, was waiting outside the airport to take us over to Wilmington, an historic city by the coast. When our bus ride ended, we received yet another change in scenery—palm trees! Being from the south myself, I was even more excited to hear that we’d be dining at a local seafood eatery that night. That excitement slowly drifted into skepticism when Ms. Tanya told me the name of the place: “Something Fishy”. But I was impressed regardless, and feeling particularly deprived of my favorite Southern beverage, downed about 4 glasses of sweet tea. From tea to time with friends, I can already tell that God is going to work in big ways over the next week—something that I feel blessed to be a part of. — Connor

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